

Islamic education, Family Lukman


The poet said, the most valuable treasure is the family. Maybe it's the right expression in understanding the family, the family itself is a place where a child gets love and education in particular. However, lately many parents do not care how important their role is in educating their children as well as being the first place of madrasa for their children. This is evidenced by the large number of parents who give up their children to be cared for by others, such as household assistants and orphanages, so they lack the full love of their biological parents. Therefore, family roles and responsibilities are indeed very important in children's education, especially Islamic education. One example of a family that can be emulated in educating their children is the story of the Lukman Al-Hakim family. In the Lukman family story, we can find the wisdom of which is about the formation of faith and moral development.



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