

Covid 19 , educator 's religion of Islam and the family


The research is aimed to identify the role and challenges pendidika religion of Islam in the era of pademi covid 19 on environmentally families implementations pe ndidikan religion of Islam at home in children as a result of the pandemic COVID-19. This research uses library research where in collecting data information with techniques documentation that is looking for the data concerning matters that are relevant from various kinds that exist in the library such as documents, books, magazines, news. Criteria articles and news were selected, namely the discussion about the impact of COVID-19 and learning online in the school base. From 10 sources were obtained, and then selected the most relevant and obtained three articles and six news were selected. The results of the study, showed that the impact of COVID-19 on the implementation of the role and challenges of pendidika religion of Islam in the era of pademi covid 19 in the neighborhood families can be fulfilled with a pretty good. It is can be seen from the results of the data 3 articles and 6 news which shows that the impact of COVID-19 towards implementation of the pe upbringing religion in the neighborhood families can be accomplished with quite well if the application of education of religion between the parent and child in the family.



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