Husnul Huluq Al-Ghazali Concept as the Core of Student Character Education


Husnul Huluq
Al-Ghazali's Concept
Character Building


This article explains the concept of husnul huluq (noble morals) as the core of improving students' character. The implementation of Husnul Huluq is an example that is formed in the students' personalities. Husnul Huluq in this article is the result of an analysis of al-Ghazali's thinking. This study uses a qualitative approach with a library research type of research. The primary source is al-Ghazali's work Ihya Ulumuddin and supporting sources are Mukhtasar Ihya Ulumuddin, Ihya Ulumuddin for Modern People and Bidayah al-Hidayah. Data analysis is presented descriptively, along with data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. The discussion results showed that educators need to understand the concept of AL-Ghazali, which focuses on character education and the idea of husnul Huluq (noble morals) in students. Husnul Huluq is a milestone in character education that is in accordance with what is expected by Islamic law. Husnul Huluq means to instil an example in students: 1) Prioritize soul purification and worship. 2) Tawakal. 3) Sincere character. 4) Solidarity. 5) Love helpful knowledge. 6) Be honest. 7) Simplicity. 8) Be patient. 9) Gratitude. 10) Meek attitude. The implementation of Husnul Huluq, which is instilled as character building in students, is carried out using the teacher's method of providing examples, exercises, modelling and habituation, which is added with advice, suggestions or warnings as an educational instrument to develop students' personalities.


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